Technical information

Type of route: circular hiking route

Departure point:Alquézar

KM: 16,9

Duration: 6 hours

Gradient: 750 m 

 MIDE: 2-2-2-3



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Points of interest

Village mediaeval of Alqueza,  San Gregorio chapel,  impressive views the Vero canyon, Villacantal Bridge, village of Asque, the Puente del Diablo and Fuendebaños bridge.

Route description 

This walk sets off from the path that leads to the San Gregorio chapel and follows the traditional flow of water to the Basacol pools. From here one begins the decent into the Vero canyon that offers impressive views over the town and the canyon. Crossing the river over the Villacantal Bridge where the canyon narrows, it forms an impressive ravine and then goes upstream towards the small village of Asque.The track passes next to the Regacéns cave, a large cavern used in the past as a shelter for livestock that to this day has cave paintings, red and black in colour of Levantine and schematic style.

Moving on, one escapes from the canyon thanks to the Puente del Diablo (Devil´s Bridge). Its spectacular location makes one think of the difficulty and risk faced during its construction and owing to this some legends arise that the devil himself built the bridge. In the conglomerate limestone walls of the canyon you can see in Spring spectacular stemmed plants in flower, up to 60cm in height of La Corona de Rey (King´s Crown/ Saxifraga longifolia), which can shoot more than 500 flowers. The path takes us to Colungo crossing the River Vero once again by the historic Fuendebaños bridge, before returning to Alquezar.

Photo gallery

  • Camino Natural Somontano  2
  • Camino Natural Somontano  3
  • Camino Natural Somontano  4
  • Camino Natural Somontano  5
  • Camino Natural Somontano  6
  • Camino Natural Somontano 7
  • Camino Natural Somontano


MAPA-Ruta30-CN Alquezar-Alquezar